My first internet news today was a bit of shameless self promotion of this very blog. Why would now give you a link to it afterall you're are here, making this paragraph a bit pointless. So my first actual website is down there .......................... I <---Thats an awful attempt at an arrow............................v
After recently losing everything in my laptops crash, I have become obsessed with back ups; and thats what this website does for your twitter account. In case twitter disappears and you want to be able to keep your many 140 charcater pieces of wisdom.
Some funny twitter posts I've seen.
"apartmentRED- Roses are red violets are blue 4 8 15 16 23 42"
"Sarah Silverman- Diarrhea would be a beautiful name if it didn't mean diarrhea"
Ok well i can only think of that now but I swear I'll put up more before the next eclipse.
If you think you've taken some strange family photos;then have a look at this site. Here they are dedicated to finding the most awkward and funny family photos over the years. These are the kind of pictures you see and just know that some or most of the people in it either despise the pose they're make or each other. You can expect to see matching outfits in strange locations with weird faces on this site. Luckily I haven't had to endure the cringe factor involved in every photo here.

Was there any need to wear the outfits, like thats a daily thing. The couple on the right are funny somebodys mommy is very attached.

AAAAAAAAAGGGHHHHHHH! leave the cat alone. This guy wants to be a bond villian. Lasers are you serious.
Apart from eggular shaped chocolate; easter eggs are also hidden messages or features that can be found in films, Tv shows, Games, music and even some books. The site has a huge collection of user submitted easter eggs, across all formats. Shows like "The simpsons" for example when Homer sets up the website to unveil springfields worst secrets, you can actually view that site online now. In films like "Zombieland", which Mike has covered, you can find extra features when using correct combinations in the special features menu.

Brilliant easter egg from the start of "Fight Club" Your told what to do if you can infact read it
5 Facebook related things
5. I found out today is national "Hug an Engineer Day 2010"
the site to look at if your parents have joined, and see some examples of how awkward it can make things.
3. the point where it is too late to ask what someones name is (Awkward)
2. Making up nicknames for people you don't know but see all the time (Stephen knows a tropical juice guy while I know a leass original Simon)
1. I'm intelligent enough to know that Facebook won't start charging
David Schwimmer AKA Ross from "Friends" who is a serial divorcee is after getting engaged, except in real life. He is after proposing to his girlfriend of 3 yeas, photographer Zoe Buckman. He's now 43 years old and Zoe is only 24 making him old enough to be her father. They met in London in 2007 while he was filming Run Fatboy Run, and they've been together since.

Robert Pattinson has reportedly started travelling with five bodyguards. they were hired while he was filming new movie Remember Me. However, the Twilight star has allegedly decided to keep the bodyguards after he was almost pushed under a car by a group of fans in New York's Union Square. He was pushed off the sidewalk by the sheer number of fans who were trying to get close to him and fell against the door of a moving vehicle. If his clothing had got caught or a foot had gone under the car there's no doubt he would have been dragged along and seriously hurt. It was by pure grace and the quick thinking of his bodygaurds that he survived, the bodyguards reportedly managed to pull him back onto the pavement by grabbing his jacket. It looks like a lot of teenage girls will be very happy now with the very security gaurds who normally keep them away from their dream guy.

Moby the dance star, not the whale, is asking his fans to make the video for his new single Wait For Me. he has launched a competition offering a lucky winner £3,333 for creating the best music promo to accompany the song. entries must be in before April 5th. Two runners up will receive £667.
He doesn't seem alone in this search though because woman I am a big fan of 'Wallis Bird' is also looking for people to send in videos to acompany any part of her upcoming track "An idea about Mary." All details can be found at

That was my sad attempt at Wallis Bird, at least I didn't go all out with a picture of Moby Dick
Weird wonderful news
After the bad winter the weather has been very tough on roads around Ireland and the world. But a village in Germany is after coming up with a great plan to get their potholes fixed. You can now sponser a pothole for €50 and 111 have already been bought. Since last week people have been able to buy a hole in Niederzimmern near Leipzig.In return the authorities will repair it, and "sponsor" it by putting a personal message on top.
You can choose the right pothole for you on their website
Weird headline: Japanese woman graduates from school at age of 91
If you've gotten this far down the blog then you deserve an award and the only thing i can really give you is this.................... Maybe sure to tell your friends and keep reading

Follow me on twitter _ilikeshorts
Good on ya Spark....Keep the good word coming...:)