A geeky day in geeksville for me

Most people will have heard of situations where an automatic translater program doesn't always work perfectly. On enrish.com you can check out tons of examples of poor translation from the sign in the dentists office saying "don't scream" to the warning sign that reads "drowning accidents are now popular" Or the city welcome sign which says "the metropolis infested with foreign adventurers"
This is a witty guide to life in general provided by an engineering graduate in America. He writes practical advise on a blackboard and puts the pictures up on this site. With nearly 600 entries so far, you have plenty lessons to live your life by.
eg. You smell all manly means either "Nice colgne" or "Take a shower", or “Celebration of Irish culture plus ignorance of irish culture = stereotyping”
This is a witty guide to life in general provided by an engineering graduate in America. He writes practical advise on a blackboard and puts the pictures up on this site. With nearly 600 entries so far, you have plenty lessons to live your life by.
eg. You smell all manly means either "Nice colgne" or "Take a shower", or “Celebration of Irish culture plus ignorance of irish culture = stereotyping”

Most people will have heard of situations where an automatic translater program doesn't always work perfectly. On enrish.com you can check out tons of examples of poor translation from the sign in the dentists office saying "don't scream" to the warning sign that reads "drowning accidents are now popular" Or the city welcome sign which says "the metropolis infested with foreign adventurers"
-At a pier instead of saying “beware of drowning,” it said "drowning accidents are now popular"
-Or the city welcome sign which instead of saying “tourist centre” it says "the metropolis infested with foreign adventurers"
-Instead of saying “don’t put paper in the toilet” it said “don’t feed the toilet”
-Instead of “no smoking” it said “non-smoking allowed

If you've ever found something that you thought was really cool like a note or an old picture then www.foundmagazine.com is the site for you. Everyday a picture of a new find is posted. These include private notes people have sent to each other. Like one which said "on average a giraffes tongue is 22 inches long"
“mom the toilet over flowed, Don’t worry”
“your car is ugly”
“I ate the chocolate cake”

Facebook 5
5. Speaking of pirate change your language setting to english (pirate) to see your friends become "shipmates" and account becoming an "arrrcount"
4. The urge to stand up and shout THIS IS SPARTA! when it's all queit in exams
3. Using Terrible Puns
2. The shin: a body part used to find furniture in the dark
1. My email address is stupid because i made it when i was 11.
Some of these include: momma64@.... happyaslarry@..... michaeljacksonstolemybaby@....
Some of these include: momma64@.... happyaslarry@..... michaeljacksonstolemybaby@....
Follow: me on twitter _ilikeshorts
Celeb and Weird Link
Freida Pinto of 'Slumdog millionaire' fame is after landing the new Bond girl part according to reports. This will be the 23rd bond flick, She'll be starring alonside Daniel Craig for it. Sam Mendes, who is in the news for his split from Kate Winslet suring the week, is set to direct it. While Peter Morgan, the writer of 'The Queen' is writing it. As usual for Bond girls this will be a fairy raunchy role and Freida's boyfriend Dev Patel of skins fame has said he is cool with seeing reida rolling around with 007.
Freida Pinto of 'Slumdog millionaire' fame is after landing the new Bond girl part according to reports. This will be the 23rd bond flick, She'll be starring alonside Daniel Craig for it. Sam Mendes, who is in the news for his split from Kate Winslet suring the week, is set to direct it. While Peter Morgan, the writer of 'The Queen' is writing it. As usual for Bond girls this will be a fairy raunchy role and Freida's boyfriend Dev Patel of skins fame has said he is cool with seeing reida rolling around with 007.
P-Diddy AKA Sean Combs is in talks to buy Crystal Palace football team. The Championshipside are in trouble and could get relegated next year but apparently Diddy doesn't care. He has fallen for the club and wants to be with them no matter what happens. He now knows how much it'll cost to buy so its just a matter of time before we hear if there will be a new playa's lounge at palace.

Oasis' Liam Gallagher obviously hasn't met many people after he said this over the weekend.
"I have never seen a U2 fan. I have never seen anyone with a U2 shirt or been around someone's house that has a f**king U2 record. Where do their fans f**king come from? Where are they? I reckon they buy them. With all the money they've made, they just bought a load of people and every time they do a gig they get a shovel and pile them into their gigs to make them look good."
I guess he won't be collaberating with them anytime soon.
Simon Cowell is to give Susan Boyle a £4MILLION birthday present. Britain's Got Talent singer Boyle will get the massive royalty payout in time for her 49th on April 1. She has sold more than 8.5million copies of her I Dreamed A Dream album since last November.
Her friends reckon the first thing she'll do with the money is buy a new house in Bathgate West Lothian. She's also planning on launching her own clothing range with a new tartan design. Apparently "She has been living on an allowance from Simon but payday's here and it's the first of many." I thought she'd gotten paid already but apparently this is the first time shes has the money in her bank. What a nice start off bank account it is.
Her friends reckon the first thing she'll do with the money is buy a new house in Bathgate West Lothian. She's also planning on launching her own clothing range with a new tartan design. Apparently "She has been living on an allowance from Simon but payday's here and it's the first of many." I thought she'd gotten paid already but apparently this is the first time shes has the money in her bank. What a nice start off bank account it is.
The police in the US are after deciding to change from their current cop cars to those used in, wait for it ROBOCOP! Thats right the Ford Taurus from Robocop which has never been made since the film is about to be rolled out. Its going to be faster stronger and way cooler then the current cars with fitted computer systems, V6 engines and 365 Brake horse power. If you want to get your hands on one of these beasts, youre going to have to join the police because the 45,000 being made every year won't be available for bad guys or us common citizens.

Barrack Obama settled a bet he made about the winter olympics with the Canadian prime minister. He lost 2 cases of beer thanks to the American hockey teams loss in the competition and so had to hand over the goods. The PM said the beer would be going on display in the Hockey hall of fame.
Weird headline: Colorado skunk's head freed from peanut butter jar
Now to keep you entertained, heres a humerous pic stolen from http://www.theinsider.com/

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